ESG 2024
1.Environmental 環境
Environmental Sustainability 環境永續
Link to your institution’s sustainability /climate action policy.
Attached are (1) The NTNU’s Action Plan for Reducing Carbon Emission, (2) President’s notes on NTNU’s Sustainable Development Report, and (3) President’s notes on NTNU’s STARS report.
(1) 本校碳中和宣言及行動方案
(2) 校長在永續發展報告的話
(3) 校長在STARS報告書的話
Link to your institution’s sustainable procurement /purchasing policy.
Attached are (1) 2023 Green Purchasing Performance Evaluation Guidelines and (2) The SOP of Green Procurement.
(2) 綠色採購SOP作業程序
Link to your institution’s sustainable investment policy.
Attached are (1) the University Fund Investment Principles and (2) the investment committee meeting.
(1) 本校投資管理要點
(2) 投資管理小組會議紀錄
Link to student led society whose purpose is to engage with sustainability.
Does your university report its carbon emissions in line with the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard or another commonly used standard?
Attached is the 2022 Greenhouse Gas Reporting Certificate.
Please provide the total Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions in Kilograms of equivalent carbon dioxide (kg CO2e).
Attached is the Carbon Inventory of NTNU in 2023.
Does your university have a carbon reduction target covering Scope 1 & 2 emissions by at least 2050?
Attached is the NTNU’s 2050 carbon reduction target covering Scope 1 & 2 emissions.
Please provide the year your institution has publicly committed to reaching net-zero.
Attached is the NTNU’s 2050 Net-Zero Emission Claim.
Environmental Education 環境教育
Do you offer courses that teach specifically on climate science and/or environmental sustainability?
Attached are (1) the Climate science and environmental sustainability courses of NTNU, (2) the Department of Geography Curriculum Framework, (3) the Environmental Monitoring and Disaster Prevention Program Curriculum Framework, (4) the Graduate Institute of Sustainability Management and Environmental Education the Curriculum Framework, (5) the Department of Earth Science Curriculum Framework, and (6) the Graduate Institute of Green Technology & Sustainable Governance Curriculum Framework, (7) International Graduate Doctoral Program in Biodiversity, (8) General Education Curriculum
(1) 環境變遷相關課程
(2) 地理系學士課程(English)
(3) 環境監測與防災學分學程
(4) 永續管理與環境教育研究所(中文)、(English)
(6) 綠能科技與永續治理課程
(7) 生物多樣性國際研究生博士學位學程
(8) 通識教育課程(中文)、(English)
Environmental Research 環境研究
Presence of a Research Centre with a specific focus on environmental sustainability.
Attached is the website of the Graduate Institute of Sustainability Management and Environmental Education.
Equality 平等
Does your institution have a current Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) policy?
Attached are (1) Gender Equity Education Committee website, (2)Guidelines for Gender Equity Education at National Taiwan Normal University (3) Regulations for Comprehensive Student Guidance and Counseling and (4) National Taiwan Normal University Policy for the Prevention of Gender Discrimination, Sexual Assault, Sexual Bullying.
(1) 性別平等教育網站
Do you offer support services for people with disabilities?
Attached are(1) Special Education Center (2) Heartland Psychological Counseling Center Website (3) Induction Sports Development Center Facebook Page(4) Resources for Physically and Mentally Handicapped Staff and Students.
(1) 特殊教育中心
(2) 心田心理諮商所網頁
(3) 適應體育發展中心臉書網頁
(4) 身心障礙教職員工生服務資源
Access schemes for people with disabilities such as mentoring or other targeted support.
Attached are (1). the information and indigenous rights and interests. (2) National Taiwan Normal University Special Education Program Course Selection Guidance Regulation and (3)Special Education Policy and Administrative Support.
(1) 身心障礙及原住民專區
(2) 特殊教育學生選課輔導要點
(3) 特教政策與行政支持
We have a reasonable accommodation policy or strategy for people with disabilities, including adequate funding.
Attached are (1) Key Points of Student Hostel Management (2) Application for Special Bedding in Student Dormitory (Special),(Extra Bed) (3) Financial Aid Programs for Disadvantaged Students in Colleges and Universities and (4) Resources for Physically and Mentally Handicapped Staff and Students.
(1) 學生宿舍管理要點
(2) 學生宿舍特殊寢室申請(特殊)、(加大床位)
(3) 大專校院弱勢學生助學計畫
(4) 身心障礙教職員工生服務資源
Knowledge Exchange 知識交流
Health and Wellbeing 健康與福祉
Do you provide on-campus or local health and wellbeing services?
Access to physical health-care services including information and education services.
Attached are (1) Implementation Plan for Promoting Staff Assistance Programs (2) Faculty/Staff Health Promotion Services Website and (3) Staff Health Services Regulations.
(1) 推動員工協助方案實施計畫
(2) 教職員工健康促進服務網頁
(3) 教職員工健康服務相關法規
Access to sexual and reproductive health-care services including information and education services.
Attached are (1) Sexuality Education Resources, (2) Maternal Health Protection Website, and(3) Promote the implementation plan of the Employee Assistance Program.
(1) 性教育相關資源
(2) 母性健康保護專區
(3) 推動員工協助方案實施計畫
Access to mental health support for both staff and students.
Attached are (1) Employee Mental Health Assistance Resources, (2) E-Counseling System for Counseling Services, (3) Psychological counseling assistance information for faculty and staff of the school, (4) The Hsin Tien Psychological Counseling Clinic is a great effort of NTNU to support students and faculties’ mental health, and(5) Promote the implementation plan of the Employee Assistance Program.
(1) 員工心理健康協助專區
(2) 諮商輔導服務e化系統
(3) 教職員工心理諮商協助資訊
(4) 心田心理諮商所
(5) 推動員工協助方案實施計畫
3.Good Governance 良好的管理
Good Governance 良好的管理
Do you have an equality, diversity and inclusion committee, office or officer (or the equivalent) tasked by the administration or governing body to advise on and implement policies, programmes and trainings related to diversity, equity, inclusion and human rights on campus?
Existence of committee, office or officer.
Attached are (1) Guidelines for the National Taiwan Normal University Gender Equity Education Committee. (2) Gender Equality Website, (3) Organizational and Review Guidelines for Faculty Grievances Committee, and (4) Organization of the Employee Grievance Review Committee and key points of evaluation.
(1) 性別平等教育委員會設置要點
(3) 教師申訴評議委員會組織及評議要點(中文)、(English)
(4) 職工申訴評議委員會組織及評議要點
Existence of anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies.
Attached are (1) Sexual Harassment Prevention and Control Laws and Regulations, Practice Procedures, Publicity and Education Website, (2) Guidelines for Gender Equity Education, (3) Prevention and Handling of Sex Discrimination, Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment, or Sexual Bullying, (4) The Committee on Gender Equality Education Website, (5) Gender Friendly Accommodation Website, and (6) Physical, Mental and Aboriginal Services Special Website .
(1) 性騷擾防治法規、作業流程、宣導教育專區(中文)、(English)
(5) 性別友善住宿專網
(6) 身心障礙及原住民服務專區
Do you an Anti-bribery and corruption policy?
Existence of anti-bribery and corruption policy or equivalent.
Attached is the website for Administrative Neutrality and Recusal Conflicts of Interest.
(1) 行政中立暨利益衝突迴避專區(中文)、(English)
(2) 內部控制稽核計畫及報告專區
Does your institution have a dedicated staff member or team whose sole responsibility is to advance sustainable development at the institution?
Attached are (1) Key Points in Handling Cases of Teachers Violating the Requirements on Teachers’ Qualifications for Submission to the Review and Breaches of Academic Ethics and Integrity, (2) Code of Professional Ethics for Teachers, (3) Regulations of the Research Ethics Center, and (4) Key Points for Setting Up a Research Ethics Grievance Committee.
(1) 教師違反送審教師資格規定及違反學術倫理與誠信案件處理要點
(2) 教師專業倫理守則
(3) 研究倫理中心相關法規
(4) 研究倫理申訴委員會設置要點
Our university provides training based on those values at all levels of the organisation.
Attached are (1) The Research Ethics Office is responsible for providing training on research ethics and integrity education ,and (2) the Office of Human Resources is in charge of delivering training on professional ethics.
(1) 研究倫理中心線上教育訓練
(2) 行政人員訓練實施計畫
There is an office for ethical compliance within our institution, with a designated official with oversight on ethical matters across the institution.
There is an office for ethical compliance within our institution, with a designated official with oversight on ethical matters across the institution.
The professional ethics and research ethics of NTNU have been taken care of by the Office of Human Resources and Research Ethics Office, respectively. Attached are (1) the website of the Research Ethics Office, and (2) the website of the Office of Human Resources.
Our organisation has an internal reporting system to assure the confidentiality of whistleblowers or a grievance procedure for staff concerning an employment matter.
Our organisation has an internal reporting system to assure the confidentiality of whistleblowers or a grievance procedure for staff concerning an employment matter.
Attached are (1) Complaints and Procedures on Sexual Equality and Other Educational Incidents (2) Key Points of Sexual Harassment Complaints and Investigations (3) Standardized Procedures for Gender-based Incidents on Camp us (4) Faculty Appeal Review Committee Organization and Review Points (5) Staff Grievance Appraisal Committee Organization and Review Points, and (6) Prevention and Handling of Sex Discrimination, Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment, or Sexual Bullying.
(1) 性平平等教育事件申訴及流程專網
(2) 性騷擾防治申訴及調查處理要點
(3) 校園性別事件標準作業流程
(4) 教師申訴評議委員會組織及評議要點
(5) 職工申訴評議委員會組織及評議要點
Does your university have a student union?
Attached are (1) Student Affairs Portal (2) Rules of Procedure of the Student Affairs Council (3) Representatives of Student Affairs Council Members (4) Student Union Facebook Page (5) Election Bulletin.
(1) 學生事務專網
(2) 學生事務會議規則
(3) 學生事務會議委員代表
(4) 學生會臉書專頁
(5) 選舉公報
Does your institution publish their financial reports on an annual basis?
The Office of Accounting of NTNU issues the university financial report every year.
Does your institution publicly share the decisions taken in your annual general meeting?
The annual general meeting minutes of NTNU are open to the public.
Does your university’s governing body have student representation?
The governing body of NTNU University is mandated to have student representatives for the establishment of the Standing Committee of the National Ta Academic Affairs Conference. Attached are (1)Measures for the Establishment of Standing Committees of the School Council, (2) Method for the Selection o Taiwan Normal University School Affairs Conference, and (3) Representatives of the Student Affairs Council Members.
(1) 校務會議常設委員會設置辦法
(2) 校務會議代表產生辦法
(3) 學生事務會議委員代表
2.Social 社會